Can You Make New Years Resolutions with Your Dog?

We all know that New Year's. resolutions can be hard to stick to on our own, which is why it can help to have someone to keep you on track. The ideal candidate will always be by your side even in your weakest moments as you reach for the cookie jar rather than the fruit basket, or swap your tennis shoes for bedroom slippers. Here are some New Year's resolutions that we feel will help you and your dog "Live Pawsitively" to ensure you both have a happier and healthier 2022!
Eating Healthier is always at the top of the list for New Year's Resolutions but a lot of us fall short and quickly revert back to old ways. But possibly if we add our dogs to a the same plan of getting our diet in check it will be easier to stick to new resolutions . Maintaining a healthy weight plays a major role in in our overall well being as well as our dogs. Yet it continues to be a common struggle for each of us. This year lets make an effort to make sure we are not over eating by using portion control. When we are careful about the quantities we are feeding our dogs lets make the same decisions for ourselves. If you are thinking about switching to a more balanced diet for yourself you can stock the pantry with healthier options for your dog as well. Just like humans dogs who eat a variety of different foods from all food groups tend to be healthier. Add small amounts of steamed broccoli, carrots, spinach, or pumpkin to both of your meals, and replace the occasional treat for you and your dog with a slice of apple of a piece of banana.
Another New Year's Resolution that is usually at the top of our list is getting more exercise. But between work requirements, errands, family and social events we quickly fail to squeeze in the time for ourselves. My whole week schedule is so jampacked with responsibilities that it seems impossible to add another activity to my plate. As a result, I sacrifice that one thing that I am very much aware is beneficial for my health...regular exercise!
Recently reality slapped me with the harsh truth that I justify my laziness with lame excuses. What I realized is that I need to view exercising for me and my dog as a need not a luxury. Motivation is not something that is automatic but something I have to create for myself.
Little did I know the motivation I am seeking is right beside me all along new ultimate fitness buddy. My fur baby helps me keep a PAWSitive attitude and break a sweat while having fun doing it. It is a fact that increasing activity levels will improve the overall health and happiness for you and your dog. So get outside everyday and make the time for you and your PUP both deserve it!!!
Another great New Years resolution for you and your dog is to Learn Something New! We all want to grow as individuals whether it is learning how to play the guitar or lifting heavier weights at the gym. Why should dogs be any different. Your dog will appreciate the one on one attention and the bond you share will be strengthened.
And Lastly Make new Friends! Socialization is important for dogs and humans alike. Taking your dog to the dog park or dog friendly events not only gives them the chance to socialize with other dogs, but you will also meet lots of people who you will have on big thing in common...the love of dogs!
At Live Pawsitively we know that being PAWSitive is a mindset and a lifestyle. It is the one thing in life you get to choose. And we hope to encourage our friends and customers to choose a more PAWSitive life this New Year to be the happiest and healthiest version that you and your pup can be! Happy 2022, Love, Tami